• Startdatum:
  • 5 april 2020
  • Cursusduur:
  • 1 dag
  • Werkzaam als:
  • Stralingsdeskundige, Medisch specialist

How do laboratory specialists and medical laboratories contribute to better patient outcome and more effective treatment? During this symposium we define health and disease at a molecular level on the basis of Clinical Proteomics. The potential of precision diagnostics is also examined. Do you want to know more? Please register timely via the registration link on this page.

Clinical evidence
To contribute to patient care in an efficient and effective way, it is important to rationalize the clinical needs. We will address the clinical needs question during the symposium. In addition to this, we will discuss the positioning of medical tests in clinical care pathways and to the generation of clinical evidence. Another important objective of the symposium is to bring clinical chemistry laboratory specialists together with other stakeholders of the biomarker - medical test pipeline.

Learning objectives:

  • Applying a structured questionnaire for identifying unmet clinical needs in laboratory medicine, in line with 21st century precision medicine demands;
  • Demonstrating (multiplex) test selection and deducing future clinical pathways based on unmet needs;
  • Guiding test evaluation according to the EFLM Test Evaluation framework;
  • Demonstrating young trainees in laboratory medicine how to develop medical leadership skills in focus areas of innovation, enabling technology and/or data science.
  • Identifying a feasible role as end-user in the biomarker-test development pipeline, in line with the abilities in your hospital setting
  • Developing network skills for collaboration between clinicians, laboratory professionals, IVD-industry and basic scientists.

Intended target population:

  • Laboratory Specialist Trainees in Clinical Chemistry and Hematology
  • Laboratory Specialists in Clinical Chemistry and Hematology
  • Translational Researchers, clinicians and IVD-manufacturers interested and involved in the biomarker-test pipeline
  • Pathologists
  • Urologists
  • Nephrologists
  • Oncologists
  • Clinical Geneticists


The symposium is a collaboration between Boerhaave Continuing Medical Education and the Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). The lectures will be given by renowned speakers in the field of Test Evaluation, Test Standardization and Clinical Proteomics.

Day 1 - Regenerative Medicine of the Retina


Registration & coffee

08:50 Welcome and course overview
Prof. dr. Sander Dijkstra
09:00 Principles of Bone Tumor Pathology
Prof. dr. Judith Bovee
09:45 Principles of Bone Imaging
Dr. Carla van Rijswijk
10:30 Biopsy Techniques
Andreas Leithner
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Staging of Musculoskeletal Tumors
Prof. Pietro Ruggieri
12:00 Surgical Margins
Francis Hornicek, MD, PhD
12:30 Case quiz with voting
Prof. dr. Sander Dijkstra & prof. Pietro Ruggieri
13:00 Lunch
13:45 Leave me alone lesions: NOF, fibrous dysplasia, langerhans histiocytose, unicameral bone cyst
Prof. Pietro Ruggieri
14:15 Benign bone tumors: Osteoid lesions
Prof. dr. Andreas Leithner
14:45 Benign bone tumors: Chondroid lesions
Dr. Michiel van de Sande
15:15 Giant cell tumor of bone and ABC
Prof. dr. Sander Dijkstra
15:45 Break
16:15 Case quiz with voting
Dr. Michiel van de Sande and prof. dr. Andreas Leithner
17:30 Guided tour Bourhaave rijksmuseum or anatomic theatre - Bone tumors: a history
Tours in 2 groups: A & B
18:30 Drinks and "bitterballen"
20:00 Faculty dinner

Day 2 - Regenerative Medicine of the Retina

07:30 Registration and coffee
08:00 Amputation and rotationplasty
Dr. Aya Puri, MD
08:30 Biological reconstruction
Dr. Michiel van der Sande
09:00 Growing endoprosthesis
Dr. Douglas Letson
09:30 Cases quiz and voting
Dr. Aya Puri, MD and Dr. Douglas Letson
10:00 Plastic surgery
Drs. Bert van Drunen
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 History endoprosthesis
Prof. Pietro Ruggieri
11:15 Lower extremity
Francis Hornicek, MD, PhD
11:30 Upper extremity
Prof. Pietro Ruggieri
11:45 History biological reconstructions
Prof. dr. Antonie Taminiau
12:00 Lower extremity
Dr. Aya Puri, MD
12:15 Upper extremity
Dr. Michiel van de Sande
12:30 Pelvic surgery
Prof. dr. Sander Dijkstra
13:00 Lunchboxes & case presentation participants
Prof. dr. Sander Dijkstra and prof. Pietro Ruggieri
14:00 Adjourn
prof. dr. J.V.M.G. Bovée
patholoog,moleculair bioloog
drs. DRS. S. van Dullemen
S.S. van Kosterink
dr. Y.K.O. Teng
Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA Leiden

Participation fee for employees LUMC    €  235

Participation fee outside LUMC               €  315

Bachelor/master students of the Leiden University are free of charge**  

**Participation is free of charge for bachelor and master students of the Leiden University. Please fill in your student email address and your student number.

Please be informed that we can ask you to show your student pass at the registration desk.

Please note that a fee will be charged to LUMC students who do not attend courses or who are too late cancelling their participation of the course.

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