First Annual Conference Lifestyle as Medicine
- Startdatum:
- 7 december 2017
- Cursusduur:
- 1 dag
- Werkzaam als:
- Huisarts, Medisch specialist, Specialist ouderengeneeskunde, Paramedicus/ Medisch ondersteuner
- Aangevraagd
- NIV:
- 6
- NVK:
- 6
- ABC 1:
- 7
Reversing Type 2 diabetes
Our lifestyles play a significant role in the occurrence of many chronic diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes. One out of every twelve adults in the Netherlands has diabetes. In our healthcare system, people with Type 2 diabetes are primarily treated with medication. But medication only treats the symptoms of an underlying problem.
Lifestyle as medicine
There is increasing evidence that Type 2 diabetes can be reversed and sometimes even cured if patients change their lifestyle. But how can lifestyle changes be expected to play such a vital role in curing a disease in a society that practically forces people to make the wrong choices? Does this require adaptions in the environment patients live in and/or changes in our healthcare system? A team of local and international experts will discuss these and many other questions during the first annual symposium on ‘Lifestyle as Medicine’.
Innovation centre launched
The symposium also heralds the launch of a joint knowledge and innovation centre on the theme of metabolic health and lifestyle which will be run by TNO and LUMC. This centre will focus on setting up education programmes as well as on developing and implementing lifestyle as medicine for Type 2 diabetes in the Netherlands and other parts of the world.
Target groups
Internists, paediatricians, specialists in geriatric medicine, social therapists, epidemiologists, dieticians, GPs and people who are in training for these disciplines, as well as representatives of healthcare insurance companies, system biologists, health- and behaviour scientists, pharmaceutical companies, municipalities and national authorities.
08:00 | Registration |
08:30 | Welcome and introduction |
Pancras Hogendoorn, Dean Faculty of Medicine, LUMC, Leiden | |
08:50 | From care to cure |
Hanno Pijl, LUMC, Leiden | |
09:30 | Diabetes from the inside out |
Jimmy Bell, University of Westminster, London UK | |
10:10 | Coffee/tea break |
10:40 | Systems approaches needed |
Ben van Ommen, TNO | |
11:20 | Changing behavior: a major challenge |
Andrea Evers, Leiden University | |
12.00 | Personal health data ownership as healthcare disruptor |
Wessel Kraaij, TNO and Leiden University | |
12:25 | Lunch break |
13:15 | From initiation to a way of life: Changing behavior to reverse obesity |
John Peters, University of Colorado, Denver USA | |
13:55 | The Southside Diabetes Program: all systems go! |
Monica Peek, University of Chicago, Chicago USA | |
14:35 | Reversing type 2 diabetes - the Virta way |
Steve Phinney, Virta Health, San Francisco USA | |
15:15 | Coffee/tea break |
15:45 | Future food industry roles in lifestyle as Medicine |
Josh Anthony, Campbell Soup Company, Cambden USA | |
16:10 | A science – society – business partnership? |
Michel van Schaik, Rabobank | |
16:35 | The social entrepreneur example of "Voeding leeft" |
Martijn van Beek, Stichting Voeding Leeft, Amsterdam | |
17:00 | General discussion |
Hanno Pijl, LUMC, Leiden | |
17:20 | Closure and outlook |
Angelique Berg, Director General, Ministry of Health |
Participation: € 195
Discount for doctors in training: - € 50
Discount for dieticians and lifestyle coaches: - € 50
Discount for students: - € 130