Geriatric Emergency Medicine
- Startdatum:
- 24 oktober 2017
- Cursusduur:
- 1 dag
- Werkzaam als:
- VSR:
- 6
- ABC 1:
- 6
- 6
- 6
- V&VN:
- 6
- 6
- NIV:
- 6
On Tuesday 24 October 2017, the Geriatric Emergency Medicine conference will take place in Leiden, the Netherlands. This conference was developed in cooperation with the Taskforce Geriatric Emergency Medicine of the European Union Geriatric Medical Society (EUGMS) and the European Union Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM). At LeidenGEMcon2017, (inter)national speakers will share their experiences and knowledge of older patients in the acute hospital setting.
The themes will be addressed with interactive presentations and plenary discussions. To allow for (a limited number of) foreign guests and speakers, the program will be presented in English.
Please note there is limited number of places for delegates.
Advisory board
S. Turpin (University Hospitals of Leicester)
prof.dr. S.P. Conroy (University Hospitals of Leicester)
dr. C. Nickel (University Hospital Basel)
dr. J. Banerjee (University Hospitals of Leicester)
C.N. van Beuzekom (LUMC, Gerontology & Geriatrics).
- Generate awareness among health care professionals working with older patients in the acute hospital setting about the differences in good care for this vulnerable population.
- Teach medical staff and others about specific geriatric syndromes, atypical presentation in acute hospital setting and differences in vulnerability among older patients.
- Generate awareness of the difficulties and gaps in the organisation of acute care for older patients and inform about different systems: what can we learn from each other?
- Give all delegates information about existing innovations and research in the acute hospital setting (ED or emergency ward) to improve care for older patients.
Target group
Medical staff and all others working with older patients in the acute hospital setting:
- Doctors (specialized or working in Emergency Department or Acute Medical Unit, geriatricians, general practitioners etc.)
- Nurses (working in Emergency Department, Acute Medical Unit, Geriatrics etc.)
- Others (physiotherapists, dieticians, rehabilitation physicians, occupational therapists, managers etc.)
Organizing committee
- Ms. L.C. Blomaard, MD, PhD-student, LUMC, Dept. Gerontology & Geriatrics
- Ms. A.M. Booijen, Emergency nurse, LUMC, Emergency Department
- Ms. F.A. de Croock, AMU nurse, LUMC, Acute Medical Unit
- dr. A.J. Fogteloo, Internist, Medical manager AMU, LUMC, Acute Medical Unit
- J. de Gelder, MD, PhD-student, LUMC, Department of Gerontology and Geriatrics
- dr. B. de Groot, Emergency physician, LUMC, Emergency Department
- Ms. prof. dr. J. Gussekloo, Professor in primary care, LUMC, PHEG
- Ms. J.A. Lucke, Emergency medicine resident, PhD-student, LUMC, Emergency Department
- dr. Simon Mooijaart, Internist-geriatrician, LUMC, Department Gerontology & Geriatrics
09:00 | Opening |
09:30 | Malaise in older people in the ED |
09:55 | Confusion in the ED |
10:20 | Break |
10:50 | Falls and trauma in older people in the ED, Dutch hipfracture audit |
11:15 | Pain management |
11:40 | Polypharmacy |
12:05 | Lunch and poster viewing |
13:05 | Advance Care Planning and shared decision making in the ED |
13:30 | Acute Frailty Network, Leicester system |
14:00 | Geriatric Rehabilitation, post-acute best care for older trauma patients? |
14:30 | Break |
15:00 | To be confirmed |
15:15 | Telephone follow-up after ED visit |
15:30 | Transitional care after ED visit |
15:45 | Effects of education about older ED patients |
16:00 | APOP study: implementation of a screening instrument |
16:15 | Plenary discussion/debate |
17:00 | Conclusion and take home messages |
17:15 | End of the conference |
Rijnsburgerweg 10, 2333 AA LeidenParticipation fee | € 100,00 | |
Registration fee on October 24th, at the registration desk | € 150,00 |
Registration fee on-site amounts € 150,00